Thi-Qar Internists Associaion
نشر منذ Sep 03 20 am30 08:10 AM - عدد المشاهدات : 984

Thi-Qar Internists Associaion in south of Iraq and only one autherized society for internal medicine in Iraq and we do regulaly monthly scientific meetings and Annual scientific conference and alot of scientific lectures in between and in response to current change in clinical practice of internal medicine and it is branches and we despite COVID-19 pandemic we continue our activity through live Webinar with different subjects with well know speakers and and next meeting Lupus Update speaker professor Dr ihsan alshamma and updates in bronchiectasis speaker professor Dr. James chalmers professor of respiratory medicine in UK 
صور مرفقة

أخبار متعلقة
مشاركة الخبر
التعليق بالفيس بوك
استطلاع رأى

عدد الأصوات : 0
