New News News

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq in Collaboration with Algerian Society of Cardiac Surgery held d

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq in Collaboration with Algerian Society of Cardiac Surgery held d

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq in Collaboration with Iranian society of Internal held distingui

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq in Collaboration with Iranian society of Internal held distingui

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq held symposium tilted cardio-mental Health

Thi-Qar Internists Association-Iraq held symposium tilted cardio-mental Health

Thi-Qar Internists Associaion make cooperation with Tayside NHS

Thi-Qar Internists Associaion make cooperation with Tayside NHS

Thi-Qar Internists Associaion
عدد المشاهدات : 939
Since publishing Sep 03 20 am30 08:10 AM
Dr. Nawal Al-Khalidi Member of Thi-Qar Internist Associaion
عدد المشاهدات : 1519
Since publishing Jan 02 19 am31 03:18 AM
Basal bolus insulin from initiation To intensification
عدد المشاهدات : 1237
Since publishing Dec 28 18 am31 09:44 AM
Welcome to ThiQar Internist Association
عدد المشاهدات : 1345
Since publishing Dec 20 18 am31 07:45 AM